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KingSize Version 3.1 Change Log

VERSION 3.1 - KINGSIZE We have made quite a fix changes in this release. Including an important one, updating the Timthumb script to the most current and stable version. Below here you will find a detailed list of all the changes we have introduced in this version. Timthumb was updated. The entire "timthumb.php" file should be replaced with the new one. /lib/portfolios/portfolio-functions.php - Line #78 to #79, removed the placement photo. No default photo will show in portfolios if no image is selected. /template-portfolio.php - Line #41 to #45, removed the extra "_" from the paging...


KingSize Version 3 Change Log

VERSION 3 - KINGSIZE Assorted Fixes & Updates Resolved the "Blog Paginate" issues. Fixed the "Color Style" options by editing "theme-options.php" lines #773 through to #784. Updated "style.css" with a Background / Slider fix on lines #60 through to line #77. Updated "style.css" line #88 through to line #97, ".nojs img" for background fix. Updated the "/gallery-widget/" with two new files, "attachment.php" and "loop-attachment.php" (image link resolved). Slider is disabled by default. Previously it was auto-enabled and caused a few confusions. Fixed the "Read More" issue when hovering, removed...